Deflection with a "Dead Spear"
The above 2 Spear stances are from the Chinese Long Spear manual, which depict the Spearman performing deflections single-handedly. These...

Shaolin Iaijutsu?
In Chinese martial arts, the Staff is recognized as the Chief of Weapons, because that's where you get your weapons foundation from. How...

Long Saber - Making Consecutive Attacks
This is a quick video clip from my weekly sparring session. I was using a red Long Saber, length around 130cm and weighs approx 1.2 kg or...

"Rhinoceros Looks At Moon
In Chinese single-handed Jian techniques, there is one commonly known as "Rhinoceros Looks At Moon". This name actually appeared in...

Video Compilation for "Essentials of the Fist"
Since releasing my in-depth analysis of Ming General Qi Jiguang's empty-hand fighting manual, "Essentials of the Fist" in April 2020,...

Important Tip for Shaolin Gunfa Canzong
Here is an important tip when you're trying to interpret the Shaolin Staff forms. On the left are the stances' names in circles and...

Mizoguchi Ha Itto Ryu - Similar principles with Shaolin Staff's "Evade-and-Deceive"
In most styles' practice, Japanese or not, the winner is usually the Defender. Attacker makes an attack, so that the Defender can...

Deciphering General Qi Jiguang's Long Saber
In General Qi Jiguang's book, his Long Saber stances came without any explanation on how they are being used in an actual fight. Here's a...

浑元剑经 (Hunyuan Jianjing)'s Raise Cauldron Stance
浑元剑经 "Hunyuan Jianjing" is a Chinese sword manual written in late-Yuan/early-Ming period, so this ancient book could easily be more than...

Antique Sword Striking Post
A page from an antique Japanese manual, which was peculiarly written 75% in classical Chinese language (even this particular page was...